Thursday, August 30, 2007


It has been a busy week so far, but many great things have been accomplished, so I am happy for that. Sam and I went to the sprinkler park with Joy, Charis and Cai on Tuesday and we had a great you can see, Sam LOVES the water. The pic is a bit strange because he had sunblock on and the water was beading on his face!

I was also able to get a little project done for Samuel...a small blanket with a snap on for a pacifier or a rattle. Whatever works for the moment, right? I am hoping this will help keep him occupied while he is what you might call, "fragile". The picture with him and the blankie is one of those moments. Can you tell he didn't get in a full afternoon nap yesterday?
Happy Thursday,


Joy said...

Love the bird fabric! It is some of my favorite! Your little project turned out great!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the fabric and the colors. Great idea and again, I am amazed by your talent.

Great pictures of Sam. I am looking forward to seeing him.