Ha! I may have got your attention with that title. But, NO WAY. Not a new baby like Sam, a new sewing machine!
Here's the story:
I have been wishing and hoping for a sewing/embroidery machine for months. I focused in on the
Janome MC9700. It's seems to be a good machine for the price point and Janome has a great reputation for high quality. The down side? Sticker price is $2200. Ugh! You can get one used on eBay for a good price, but it's still pretty costly.
I have been using the Kenmore machine that my mom got me in 2002. At first it went unused. Especially with working and going to grad school. But it has gotten some loving in the last couple of years and even a tune up about 2 years ago.
In the last week I have been obsessing over a new project. Ask Matt or Sam. I get in "the zone" and can't stop sometimes and my intensity level gets pretty high.
This is my project - isn't it beautiful? I never have desired to make a quilt until I saw this one and realized it fit me just right. So I went for it.
As I was getting to the critical part of my project - the actual quilting - my machine starts to act up. To the point of bringing me to tears! It could seriously ruin all my work so far. So I call for pricing to tune it up/repair. $65 + the cost of repairs. Ugh!
So Matt tells me...why don't you get a new one? We saw one on clearance at the store and for a little more money you can get a new machine. I hate to do that because the one I have is good and I don't want to be wasteful, but I will look.
So I went to the Sears Repair center this morning - LOVE that place! There are so many great deals. Basically I got this new machine because the box was torn a bit. It retails for $240. My price? $109. And now I have a newer, savvier, sturdier machine (returnable within 30 days if I don't like it).
But what about the old one? I am hoping my baby sister will take it with a tune up and see if she likes to sew. Keep it in la familia, if you know what I mean. Mom did get it for me after all and I do have a sentimental attachment to it.
But what about the Janome? Well, two things.
One, I found out that Janome manufactures a lot of Sears Kenmore machines. So I am thinking it's comparable.
Two, you just can't have it all. Especially not at once. I will be happy with what I can have for now and hope to someday be able to love a Janome sewing/embroidery machine.
In the mean time, I think I can create some cool things with my new gift...stay tuned. I will share.
Happy Monday, All.