Friday, January 8, 2010

You need a plan.

So if you've decided to take a stab at running, the next step is that you need a PLAN! You just cant go out there and start running...only special people do this and survive, LOL.

You have to start slow, pace yourself. Even if you feel like you are not actually running, slow down! Don't get too excited, now.

Read up on some of these neat resources...I followed Jeff Galloway to do my first rounds of training:

Also, if you are looking to find other runners, you should check locally to see if there's a running club in your town. I joined the Knoxville Track Club and they offer all kinds of opportunities to train and run with other people in town.

See? Easy peasy.

Friday, December 11, 2009

a snapshot of us

Click below to see the latest pictures taken by Christy Bonifacio at!

It was a HOT August day and boy did we sweat!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yes, I have been running at quite a pace. And what I am running is the Race of Life! Things have hummed along the last few months. The big news on the block is that we are expecting another Baby Guilford in May 2010! We are very excited and somewhat nervous about the big change...we've had a good amount of time with our little Samuel, you know.

So I said that I would talk about running if anyone out there cares to talk about it...

First things first. If you want to try out running, then you have to make two commitments.

  1. I repeat. Be committed! Treat it like your job, a have to do. You have to give it a chance.

  2. Buy running shoes! Go to a running store and get fitted for shoes that work for your feet. The sales person should watch you walk bare foot and then recommend a shoe. Too expensive, you say? I bet those medical bills will cost even more after attempting to run in shoes that are old and worn out! Believe me, I know. Shoes have to be replaced and I've hurt myself pretty good running in worn out shoes. My favorite shoe is Adidas Supernovas - and I stick to them. Who cares what color they are...can you feel good in them? That's what matters.

So there...first piece of info to work with. Think on that...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

my favorite new thing

Popping in whenever I can!

I have to tell you. I love cereal and have for a looong time. I was also a pretty picky eater through many years...not so much any more. My dear Uncle Joe used to make fun of me when I went through a phase where every time my family barbecued I would eat cereal instead. But he makes fun of everyone, for everything...

So guess what I found? Portable cereal consumption! This container is the coolest and separately stores and travels cold milk (rice milk for me), any cereal and even fruit for your cereal if you want it! Check it out at Amazon and don't listen to the ratings. I got mine at Ross for $7. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend complete with good food and fun family time. One fun thing we were able to do was host Matt's mom and grandmother over for dinner on Sunday night. We had grilled filet mignon, hash brown casserole, asparagus and brownies...YUM!!!

Matt's mom loves holidays, and she showered me with books this Mother's Day and I have to share one of the cutest books I have seen lately! It's called Mommy's High Heel Shoes and it's the most adorable story about a working mom who wears many shoes througout the day.

If you know anything about me, you will know how touching the story is...I am a working mom who harbors too many shoes. But I am working on that.

I highly recommend getting a peek at this one...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Quote of the Day

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intellegent people
and the affection of children;
To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived - this is success.

-author unknown

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Apparently I like blogging on Mondays because it seems that is the day I tend to get into the blogging mood!

Things here have been good. I ran the Knoxville Marathon on March 29th and did not come anywhere near to my desired time...but I am sort of OK with that. I finished in 2:12, not even better than last year! But still, I am happy I did it and looking forward to the next time - whenever that is. No race on the agenda anytime soon...but you never know!

Titi Rooster came and visited over the weekend and we had soo much fun! We ate steaks and potatoes, went shopping and just had so much fun together. I was so excited that we got Good Friday off of work, which made the weekend a bit longer. :)

On Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt with the neighbors and a barbecue that evening - it was such a fun day spending time with our neighbors! Sam definitely got into the Easter egg hunt, so that was really fun to see!

Well, just wanted to pop in and say hi - no deep theological debates or life discussions to encounter. Just life. Which reminds me of the great Rhianna tune...Live Your Life.